Trapped-Ion Quantum Metrology Research Group

The trapped-ion quantum metrology research group is focussed on precision spectroscopic measurements in trapped ions to search for small signals stemming from physics beyond the Standard Model.

Trapped-Ion Quantum Metrology Research Group


To push the frontiers in quantum metrology with trapped ions by exploring the quantum enhancement of robust entangled states for a search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Take this competitive know-​how to understand and control well-controlled quantum systems with unprecedented accuracy.

Lab members are trained in the following general techniques:

  • Learning about cutting-edge laser and ion trap technology,
  • A broad overview on ongoing research in the field of atomic, molecular and quantum physics,
  • Reading and critiquing science papers (paperclub), finding and presenting relevant literature
  • Writing well-commented, rigorously-tested code (Python, C++, Mathematica, Matlab, R etc.)
  • Training in poster and oral presentation skills,
  • Writing research papers with LaTeX,
  • Working in a research teams, supervising students