of Klaas Slooten
I work in forensic genetics at the
NFI and
at the VU as endowed professor "Mathematics for Forensic Genetics"
Prof. dr K. Slooten
Department of
VU University -
Faculty of Sciences
Boelelaan 1081a
1081 HV
The Netherlands
Email: k.slooten@nfi.nl or k.slooten@vu.nl
- Contact information
- Publications
- Fall 2019: Mastermath course on forensic probability and statistics (with Ronald Meester and Marjan Sjerps)
- Spring 2020: Honours course "A Likelihood Approach to Statistical Evidence" with Ronald Meester
- Mixture calculations: I have written the script MixKin for likelihood ratio calculations on DNA mixtures
- ISFG World Congress, Prague, 9-13 September 2019. I will present a top-down approach to DNA mixtures.
- ISFG World Congress, Seoul, 28 August to 2 September 2017. Thore Egeland and I have presented a workshop on kinship analysis. Click here for the presentations.
- My inaugural lecture entitled "Forensisch
DNA-bewijs: een match met wiskunde" was on 24 February 2017 (in Dutch).